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Developing individual and group vocal expression

The purpose is to develop individual and group vocal expression, as a practical singing workshop.

Chante-Ici-et-Ailleurs is a practical vocal workshop first created in Pougues-les-Eaux to benefit the inhabitants of this town and surrounding locations.

Chante-Ici-et-Ailleurs means Sing Here & Elsewhere!. The achievement expected from this workshop is designed within the framework of the year-round activities of Caravane d’Afrique.

The purpose of this workshop is to develop individual and group vocal expression, as a practical singing workshop fostering the emergence of a sense of well-being.

The workshop is led by the singer songwriter Amtha Kol. You can register to join one of the groups in Grand Soury, Pougues-les-Eaux or Cosnes-sur-Loire.

This vocal workshop builds on an approach that is based on the assumed properties of music and sound as a medium to restore, maintain or improve the social, mental and physical abilities of a person or group of people.